Getting Started

Just a couple key concepts can get you up and running with ConvexValue.
These key concepts - along with curious exploration - lead to its mastery.


ConvexValue has modules

Modules, apps, widgets - call them as you like.
They are self-contained, and usually dedicated to analyzing Options Data from one specific angle.

In your smartphone you have an app for the weather, and another one to send emails. In ConvexValue you have a module for exploring gamma surface, and another to rank underlyings.

You can see the ConvexValue modules on the home page - they look like apps on your smartphone.

You can access the home page by entering command 'home' on the top bar. This leads us to the second key concept.

Navigating to Modules

You can navigate to different modules by entering the name of the module on the command bar on top.
You don't need to remember the module names. As long as you remember 'home' you can go home and then click on a module.

Configuring Modules

Most modules can be configured.
Usually the configuration is as simple as selecting the symbol you want to analyze.
Some modules have advanced parameters which you can discover at your own pace.

Configuration can be done by entering commands on the top bar, or by the point-and-click configuration panel which you access by clicking the 'cog' icon to the right of the command bar.
They achieve the same results.

Modules on the web

On the module-level, there is no difference between using them on your browser and the Terminal.

The only limitation present on the browser is that you can only view a single module on a browser window.
Thus, if you wish to look at many modules at a time - you can have to open many browser windows. This can be inconvenient.
The Terminal is precisely a utility to facilitate the management of many modules at a time.

Modules on the Terminal

The Terminal is simply a desktop browser purpose-built to browse ConvexValue modules.

It removes unnecessary browser elements such as the space-consuming URL bar. And it adds ConvexValue specific features such as the ability to split panes and create workspaces.

The ConvexValue Terminal

The main parallels between The Terminal and a regular web browser (chrome, safari, firefox, brave, etc) are that they both have 'tabs' which allow you to view a website or module.