Data Parameters

Options Parameters

These are parameters available on an option-contract level.

opt_kind Option kind - (Call or Put)
expiration Expiration date in "day id" format (days since epoch)
multiplier Option Contract multiplier
product Futures grouping (for example - ES)
mmy Expiration in string format
last_trade Date of last trade
strike Strike
g_time Timestamp of last Greeks Update
theo Theoretical Price
volatility Volatility
delta Delta
gamma Gamma
theta Theta
rho Rho
vega Vega
event_time Timestamp of last Profile Update
day_id Current "day id"
day_open_price Day Open Price
day_high_price Day High Price
day_low_price Day Low Price
day_close_price Day Close Price
day_close_price_type Day Close Price Type
prev_day_id Previous "day id"
prev_day_close_price Previous Day Close Price
prev_day_close_price_type Previous Day Close Price type
prev_day_volume Previous Day Volume
oi Open Interest
oi_ch Open Interest Change
bid_time Latest Bid Timestamp
bid_exchange_code Latest Bid Exchange Code
bid_price Latest Bid Price
bid_size Latest Bid Size
ask_time Latest Ask Timestamp
ask_exchange_code Latest Ask Exchange Code
ask_price Latest Ask Price
ask_size Latest Ask Size
t_time Latest Trade Timestamp
exchange_code Latest Trade Exchange Code
price Latest Trade Price
change Change in Price since Open according to Latest Trade
size Latest Trade Size
t_day_id Trade "day id"
day_volume Day Volume
day_turnover Day Turnover
tick_direction Latest Trade Tick Direction
spread Latest Bid-Ask Spread
value Day Sum of Value Traded (Premium)
volm Day Sum of Volume Traded
deltas Day Sum of Deltas Traded (captured at moment of trade)
gammas Day Sum of Gammas Traded (captured at moment of trade)
vegas Day Sum of Vegas Traded (captured at moment of trade)
thetas Day Sum of Thetas Traded (captured at moment of trade)
rhos Day Sum of Rhos Traded (captured at moment of trade)
value_buy Day Sum of Buy Value Traded
volm_buy Day Sum of Buy Volume Traded
deltas_buy Day Sum of Buy Deltas Traded
gammas_buy Day Sum of Buy Gammas Traded
vegas_buy Day Sum of Buy Vegas Traded
thetas_buy Day Sum of Buy Thetas Traded
rhos_buy Day Sum of Buy Rhos Traded
value_sell Day Sum of Sell Value Traded
volm_sell Day Sum of Sell Volume Traded
deltas_sell Day Sum of Sell Deltas Traded
gammas_sell Day Sum of Sell Gammas Traded
vegas_sell Day Sum of Sell Vegas Traded
thetas_sell Day Sum of Sell Thetas Traded
rhos_sell Day Sum of Sell Rhos Traded
value_und Day Sum of Undefined Value Traded
volm_und Day Sum of Undefined Volume Traded
deltas_und Day Sum of Undefined Deltas Traded
gammas_und Day Sum of Undefined Gammas Traded
vegas_und Day Sum of Undefined Vegas Traded
thetas_und Day Sum of Undefined Thetas Traded
rhos_und Day Sum of Rhos Value Traded
value_bs Day Sum of Buy Value minus Sell Value Traded
volm_bs Day Sum of Buy Volume minus Sell Volume Traded
expiration_ts Timestamp of Expiration Date
vanna Vanna
vomma Vomma
charm Charm
dxoi Delta multiplied by Open Interest
gxoi Gamma multiplied by Open Interest
vxoi Vega multiplied by Open Interest
txoi Theta multiplied by Open Interest
vannaxoi Vanna multiplied by Open Interest
vommaxoi Vomma multiplied by Open Interest
charmxoi Charm multiplied by Open Interest
gxvolm Gamma multiplied by Volume
vxvolm Vega multiplied by Volume
txvolm Theta multiplied by Volume
vannaxvolm Vanna multiplied by Volume
vommaxvolm Vomma multiplied by Volume
charmxvolm Charm multiplied by Volume
dxvolm Delta multiplied by Volume
volm_5m Volume Traded - last 5 minutes
value_5m Value Traded - last 5 minutes
volmbs_5m Volume of Buys minus Sells - last 5 minutes
valuebs_5m Value of Buys minus Sells - last 5 minutes
volm_15m Volume Traded - last 15 minutes
value_15m Value Traded - last 15 minutes
volmbs_15m Volume of Buys minus Sells - last 15 minutes
valuebs_15m Value of Buys minus Sells - last 15 minutes
volm_30m Volume Traded - last 30 minutes
value_30m Value Traded - last 30 minutes
volmbs_30m Volume of Buys minus Sells - last 30 minutes
valuebs_30m Value of Buys minus Sells - last 30 minutes
volm_60m Volume Traded - last 60 minutes
value_60m Value Traded - last 60 minutes
volmbs_60m Volume of Buys minus Sells - last 60 minutes
valuebs_60m Value of Buys minus Sells - last 60 minutes

Underlying Parameters

These are parameters available on an underlying level.

event_time Timestamp of last Profile Update
day_id Current "day id"
day_open_price Day Open Price
day_high_price Day High Price
day_low_price Day Low Price
day_close_price Day Close Price
day_close_price_type Day Close Price Type
prev_day_id Previous "day id"
prev_day_close_price Previous Day Close Price
prev_day_close_price_type Previous Day Close Price type
prev_day_volume Previous Day Volume
oi Open Interest
t_time Latest Trade Timestamp
exchange_code Latest Trade Exchange Code
price Latest Trade Price
change Change in Price since Open according to Latest Trade
size Latest Trade Size
t_day_id Trade "day id"
day_volume Day Volume
day_turnover Day Turnover
tick_direction Latest Trade Tick Direction
bid_time Latest Bid Timestamp
bid_exchange_code Latest Bid Exchange Code
bid_price Latest Bid Price
bid_size Latest Bid Size
ask_time Latest Ask Timestamp
ask_exchange_code Latest Ask Exchange Code
ask_price Latest Ask Price
ask_size Latest Ask Size
spread Latest Bid-Ask Spread
u_time Timestamp of last Underlying Volatility Update
volatility Volatility
front_volatility Front Volatility
back_volatility Back Volatility
call_volume Call Volume
put_volume Put Volume
put_call_ratio Put/Call Ratio
option_volume Option Volume
high_52_week_price High 52-Week Price
low_52_week_price Low 52-Week Price
value Day Sum of Value Traded (Premium)
volm Day Sum of Volume Traded
deltas Day Sum of Deltas Traded (captured at moment of trade)
gammas Day Sum of Gammas Traded (captured at moment of trade)
vegas Day Sum of Vegas Traded (captured at moment of trade)
thetas Day Sum of Thetas Traded (captured at moment of trade)
rhos Day Sum of Rhos Traded (captured at moment of trade)
value_buy Day Sum of Buy Value Traded
volm_buy Day Sum of Buy Volume Traded
deltas_buy Day Sum of Buy Deltas Traded
gammas_buy Day Sum of Buy Gammas Traded
vegas_buy Day Sum of Buy Vegas Traded
thetas_buy Day Sum of Buy Thetas Traded
rhos_buy Day Sum of Buy Rhos Traded
value_call_buy Day Sum of Call Buy Value Traded
volm_call_buy Day Sum of Call Buy Volume Traded
deltas_call_buy Day Sum of Call Buy Deltas Traded
gammas_call_buy Day Sum of Call Buy Gammas Traded
vegas_call_buy Day Sum of Call Buy Vegas Traded
thetas_call_buy Day Sum of Call Buy Thetas Traded
rhos_call_buy Day Sum of Call Buy Rhos Traded
value_put_buy Day Sum of Put Buy Value Traded
volm_put_buy Day Sum of Put Buy Volume Traded
deltas_put_buy Day Sum of Put Buy Deltas Traded
gammas_put_buy Day Sum of Put Buy Gammas Traded
vegas_put_buy Day Sum of Put Buy Vegas Traded
thetas_put_buy Day Sum of Put Buy Thetas Traded
rhos_put_buy Day Sum of Put Buy Rhos Traded
value_sell Day Sum of Sell Value Traded
volm_sell Day Sum of Sell Volume Traded
deltas_sell Day Sum of Sell Deltas Traded
gammas_sell Day Sum of Sell Gammas Traded
vegas_sell Day Sum of Sell Vegas Traded
thetas_sell Day Sum of Sell Thetas Traded
rhos_sell Day Sum of Sell Rhos Traded
value_call_sell Day Sum of Call Sell Value Traded
volm_call_sell Day Sum of Call Sell Volume Traded
deltas_call_sell Day Sum of Call Sell Deltas Traded
gammas_call_sell Day Sum of Call Sell Gammas Traded
vegas_call_sell Day Sum of Call Sell Vegas Traded
thetas_call_sell Day Sum of Call Sell Thetas Traded
rhos_call_sell Day Sum of Call Sell Rhos Traded
value_put_sell Day Sum of Put Sell Value Traded
volm_put_sell Day Sum of Put Sell Volume Traded
deltas_put_sell Day Sum of Put Sell Deltas Traded
gammas_put_sell Day Sum of Put Sell Gammas Traded
vegas_put_sell Day Sum of Put Sell Vegas Traded
thetas_put_sell Day Sum of Put Sell Thetas Traded
rhos_put_sell Day Sum of Put Sell Rhos Traded
value_und Day Sum of Undefined Value Traded
volm_und Day Sum of Undefined Volume Traded
deltas_und Day Sum of Undefined Deltas Traded
gammas_und Day Sum of Undefined Gammas Traded
vegas_und Day Sum of Undefined Vegas Traded
thetas_und Day Sum of Undefined Thetas Traded
rhos_und Day Sum of Undefined Rhos Traded
value_call_und Day Sum of Call Undefined Value Traded
volm_call_und Day Sum of Call Undefined Volume Traded
deltas_call_und Day Sum of Call Undefined Deltas Traded
gammas_call_und Day Sum of Call Undefined Gammas Traded
vegas_call_und Day Sum of Call Undefined Vegas Traded
thetas_call_und Day Sum of Call Undefined Thetas Traded
rhos_call_und Day Sum of Call Undefined Rhos Traded
value_put_und Day Sum of Put Undefined Value Traded
volm_put_und Day Sum of Put Undefined Volume Traded
deltas_put_und Day Sum of Put Undefined Deltas Traded
gammas_put_und Day Sum of Put Undefined Gammas Traded
vegas_put_und Day Sum of Put Undefined Vegas Traded
thetas_put_und Day Sum of Put Undefined Thetas Traded
rhos_put_und Day Sum of Put Undefined Rhos Traded
value_bs Value of all Buys minus Sells
volm_bs Volume of all Buys minus Sells
flowratio (Value of Call Buys + Value of Put Sells) / (Value of Put Buys + Value of Call Sells)
vflowratio (Volume of Call Buys + Volume of Put Sells) / (Volume of Put Buys + Volume of Call Sells)
value_call_ratio (Value of Call Buys)/(Value of Call Sells)
value_put_ratio (Value of Put Buys)/(Value of Put Sells)
volm_call_ratio (Volume of Call Buys)/(Volume of Call Sells)
volm_put_ratio (Volume of Put Buys)/(Volume of Put Sells)
dxoi Delta multiplied by Open Interest
gxoi Gamma multiplied by Open Interest
vxoi Vega multiplied by Open Interest
txoi Theta multiplied by Open Interest
vannaxoi Vanna multiplied by Open Interest
charmxoi Charm multiplied by Open Interest
gxvolm Gamma multiplied by Volume
vxvolm Vega multiplied by Volume
txvolm Theta multiplied by Volume
vannaxvolm Vanna multiplied by Volume
charmxvolm Charm multiplied by Volume
dxvolm Delta multiplied by Volume

Flowchart Parameters

The flowchart module has all 'Underlying Parameters' shown above, as well as the following:

call_dxoi Delta multiplied by Open Interest (Calls Only)
call_gxoi Gamma multiplied by Open Interest (Calls Only)
call_vxoi Vega multiplied by Open Interest (Calls Only)
call_txoi Theta multiplied by Open Interest (Calls Only)
put_dxoi Delta multiplied by Open Interest (Puts Only)
put_gxoi Gamma multiplied by Open Interest (Puts Only)
put_vxoi Vega multiplied by Open Interest (Puts Only)
put_txoi Theta multiplied by Open Interest (Puts Only)
value_call_bs Value of Buys minus Sells (Calls Only)
value_put_bs Value of Buys minus Sells (Puts Only)
volm_call_bs Volume of Buys minus Sells (Calls Only)
volm_put_bs Volume of Buys minus Sells (Puts Only)
flownet (Value of Call Buys + Value of Put Sells - Value of Call Sells - Value of Put Buys)
vflownet (Volume of Call Buys + Volume of Put Sells - Volume of Call Sells - Volume of Put Buys)
prop1 Proprietary
prop2 Proprietary
prop3 Proprietary
prop4 Proprietary