The sidebar allows you to manage your directory of workspaces.
To recall - a workspace is just a group of dashboards. You might have a group of dashboards that you use to analyze equity volatility, and another group that you use to analyze broader macro activity. You can group them into separate workspaces.
There are three sections:
- Active Workspace
- Saved Workspaces
- Public Workspaces

A workspace breaks down into dashboards, which in turn breaks down into separate panes.
The sidebar section lets you drill down into the dashboards and panes of workspaces created by you as well as those created and shared by the community.
You can clone entire workspaces or dashboards, or just clone commands.
Each workspace has a control menu that appears when you hover over it. This control menu lets you copy, clone, delete, etc.
The Search Bar on top of Public workspaces let's you search for the workspaces of a user by their username.
You can also open workspaces directly from this sidebar, as well as edit the name of both the workspace and dashboards.
You can hide/show the sidebar using the icon on the top left corner.